Methylfolate Anxiety
Methylfolate, l methylfolate, 5-MTHF, Deplin or active folate are all a form of folate (b vitamin 9), names used to describe a form of folate that is used as a supplement (methylfolate supplement) for people who have been diagnosed with MTHFR gene mutations. Methylfolate anxiety is a form of anxiety that results from taking methylfolate supplements when they are not taken properly or should not be taken at all depending on the person’s other genetic factors. People who have any history of mental health problems should not take l methylfolate due to the serious and severe side effects that they can cause including severe anxiety and depression including the risk of suicide in more severe cases. Symptoms of L-Methylfolate side effects If you have taken 5-MTHF supplements (methylfolate) and have or are experiencing any of the following side effects or symptoms stop taking them immediately: Methylfolate side effect list: Anxiety Severe anxiety Depression Severe depression or maj...