
Methylfolate Anxiety

Methylfolate, l methylfolate, 5-MTHF, Deplin or active folate are all a form of folate (b vitamin 9), names used to describe a form of folate that is used as a supplement (methylfolate supplement) for people who have been diagnosed with MTHFR gene mutations. Methylfolate anxiety is a form of anxiety that results from taking methylfolate supplements when they are not taken properly or should not be taken at all depending on the person’s other genetic factors. People who have any history of mental health problems should not take l methylfolate due to the serious and severe side effects that they can cause including severe anxiety and depression including the risk of suicide in more severe cases. Symptoms of L-Methylfolate side effects If you have taken 5-MTHF supplements (methylfolate) and have or are experiencing any of the following side effects or symptoms stop taking them immediately: Methylfolate side effect list: Anxiety Severe anxiety Depression Severe depression or maj...

Mutations Could Cause Little Effect or Severely Debilitate Gene Function

With the determination of the base sequence of the human genome, research is turning more towards genetic variation. Every normal human genome is unique in that no two people are exactly alike. Genetic variation also includes incidental changes that result in mutation or genetic mistakes. The mutation of a single base may have no effect on the protein product of an expressed gene. However, a single mutation can lead to the production of a protein completely different from the necessary protein. These mutations can have detrimental results. Single Base Changes in the Gene: Substitution The human genome consists of 3 billion repeating bases designated as A, G, C or T. The combination of 3 bases, a codon, determines what amino acid that will be added to a protein chain. This calculates to a total of 64 possible 3 base combinations that represent the 20 amino acids forming a protein molecule. Therefore, certain amino acids are represented by more than one codon. One example of an amino ac...